Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A SeaAloe Push Button Business

Does your business let you get
paid at the push of a button?

If not, you're missing out.

People "push a button" and
from me every day.

They push a button, and I
get an email that says,

"Anna Montana placed a $100 order."

"Buckwheat Zideco placed a $300 order."

Then, every Wednesday, I get a
commission check in the mail.

No calling strangers and trying to sell
them something they don't want.

I don't know what kind of business
you're looking for...

But this is my kind of business.

It took a little time and money
to set it up about a year ago...

And now it pays me every week.

Kind of like building an apartment complex.

You plan it, then you build it...

Then you sit back and collect rent.

Do a little maintenance every once in a while...

If SeaAloe goes to direct deposit,
I won't even have to drive to the
bank to deposit my checks.

A very wise business man once said,

"Define your lifestyle and create a system
to earn enough money to support it."

I'm glad I listened...

Are you listening?

Mike Stokes
SeaAloe Distributor

SeaAloe Inc.

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