Wednesday, December 3, 2008

SeaAloe National Advertising Campaign

Did you know that SeaAloe has a National Advertising Campaign
available to distributors?

SeaAloe offers you the chance to leverage your advetising dollars
by participating in a nationwide Advertising Co-Op.

What's an Advertising Co-Op?

An advertising co-op is where a group of people combine

their advertising dollars together and reap the rewards of
the return from that advertising.

Direct Marketing advertising is one of the fastest and easiest

ways to build your customer and distributor base.

If you're already a SeaAloe distributor, log into your

Virtual Office and click on the "Co-Op" button for
more details...

If you're not yet a SeaAloe distributor, go to our

SeaAloe Infomercial Business page at:

Or call me:

Mike Stokes
(225) 218-8077

SeaAloe Inc.

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