The Mechanics of Wealth
Big Al tells a wonderful story about a man
who started a home based business with
the goal of making $300 a month.
Not $10,000 or $20,000 a month…
Just $300 a month.
The man achieved that goal fairly easily
and stayed at that $300 income level for
a number of years.
He didn’t seem very ambitious to some,
and was asked about this.
As it turned out, the man had taken his
extra $300 income and accelerated the
mortgage payment on his home,
paying it off in record time.
Then, he used his free and clear equity to
buy a second property and rented it out,
and applied his “extra” $300 home business
income to that mortgage like he had done
with his own home.
In less than 5 years, he ended up owning
5 income producing properties and was
virtually financially set for the rest of his life.
All by way of the extra $300 a month he
made from his simple little kitchen table
home based business.
The MAGIC of an extra $300, $500 or $1,000
a month in leveraged part-time income can
open doors that you never dreamed possible.
Keep your 8+ hour a day regular job...
It will pay the rent and buy the groceries…
Invest a couple of hours a week in a
life-changing income opportunity and
watch the MAGIC unfold in your life!
Can you see how an extra $300, $500 or
$2,000 a month, each and very month,
can change your life?
And we’re not talking about taking any risks here.
The possibilities are endless…
Just do it.
SeaAloe: A REAL Business For REAL People
Mike Stokes
Baton Rouge, LA
SeaAloe Business Information
Boudin King Cake
How to Make Boudin King Cake For a change of pace and experiment of a
recipe given to me by a co-worker, we made a...
The post Boudin King Cake appeared ...
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