Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is Your SeaAloe Business Growing?

There is a Principle of Growth that applies
to all things in the Universe, and it applies
to your SeaAloe business as well...

For example, when exercised,

a muscle grows stronger.

If unused, however, it grows weak and flabby.

It is impossible to stand still.

If you are not growing stronger,
you are growing weaker.

Is your SeaAloe business growing stronger or weaker?

Do you do something to make it stronger every day.

Just as you need to exercise regularly,
you need to build your business regularly.

Do something today.

Start a blog and post your daily
business building activities.

Mike Stokes
SeaAloe Distributor

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Build Your SeaAloe Business Online

The best way to build any business is offline –
person to person.

That being said, a great way to find more people
to talk to about your business in addition to the
people you know and meet locally, is online.

And, there are plenty of free ways to get your business
message out there on the world wide web, without
having to be a rocket scientist or a teenager…

(You need to know that I am most likely the most
technologically challenged person you will ever know.)

This is just a few of the free ways I use to get
the word out about

1. This blog that you are reading now is free.

SeaAloe Distributor Training and Information
It is also very simple to set up. Look up to the
upper right-hand corner of this page, where it
says, “Create Blog”. Just click on that and
follow the directions.

2. Set up a Squidoo “lens.” I don’t know why
they call them “lenses”, they are just web pages.
See one of my SeaAloe lens at –
SeaAloe on Squidoo

3. Set up a Hub Page. It’s another very user-friendly
and free web page that you can set up. You can see
one of my Hub Pages at –
The Power of Liquid Vitamin Supplements

4. You can write articles and publish them on
Ezine Articles.

These are four of the easiest, free and among
the most powerful things you can do for your
business online.

Mike Stokes
SeaAloe Distributor

Monday, August 25, 2008

SeaAloe Leads the Way

SeaAloe is the industry leader in
customer and distributor support.

No one else even comes close.

And it just keeps on getting better...

We're making another major announcement
this Thursday, August 28, at 8:00 PM, EST.

Be on the conference call to hear it first.

SeaAloe Conference Call Number

Make sure you're following the right leaders,
because you can go no further than they do.

Look for leaders whose guidance you can trust.

"Can one blind person lead another?
Won't they both fall into a ditch?"
-- The Bible, Luke 6:39,40

Mike Stokes
SeaAloe Distributor

SeaAloe Inc.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Build Your SeaAloe Business with Local Advertising

Need more SeaAloe business?

I’ve built my business foundation running
ads in local weekly newspapers.

I’ve been doing this since 1999,
so I’d say it’s working pretty good.

I have customers that are still ordering products
from me month after month, and I haven’t spoken
with them in over EIGHT YEARS.

This is REAL residual income,
wouldn’t you say?

OK, so just how do I go about this?

First, I run product ads looking for customers.

I do NOT run “business opportunity” ads.

I ALWAYS lead with the product,
because I want customers first…

Then, if they want to refer other people
to the product, I help them with that.

I only run my ads in WEEKLY papers.

Not only do they cost less, but
they are a lot more effective.

I run ads in the “ad papers”, like
Thrifty Nickel and Penny Savers.

But, there are also thousands of local
weekly newspapers out there published
in small towns and suburbs.

These papers are gold.

Quite often you can get an ad in
them for just like $5.00 a week.

And many of them are part of a chain,
where someone owns 5 or 8 or 20 publications,
and you can get a great deal if you run your
ad in all of the papers.

Don’t try to sell your product with your ad.

Make your ad short, find out how many words
you get for the minimum price.

You are just looking for people that
are interested in what you have.

You can sell them later.

I run ads offering “Free Information”.

The people that respond are interested in what I have.

My “Free Information Package” will typically include
a cover letter, a product brochure, and a CD or DVD
and an order form where they can order from me at a
“special” price.

That’s it.

And, you don’t have to be limited to your local area.

I run these ads all over the country.

You can find a listing of most local papers at
Gebbie Press.

Church bulletins and newspapers are awesome also.

Many of my best customers have come from a church publication.

So, if you want to build your SeaAloe business,
this is one way that is proven to work.

Best of Success!

Mike Stokes
SeaAloe Distributor

Wednesday, August 20, 2008