How would you like to find a home based business that will keep on paying you month-in andmonth-out from now on?How would you like to finally, do the work one time and keep on getting paid?These things don't usually grow on trees,but the SeaAloe business opportunity is providing just such an opportunity right now.MLM distributors come and go...But happy customers will stay with you forever.And..."It's easier to sponsor a happy customer than it is to recruit a complete stranger." Here's a very simple plan that can get you more business and more income security than 98% of all people in network marketing will EVER get in a million years...By placing one bottle of SeaAloe a day,with a qualified "prospect", here's anexample of what could happen:With a "closing" ratio of just 1 out of 5 people that you place a bottle with, here's what you could expect:Place 5 bottles a week = 1 personal customer.50 weeks of placements = 50 personal customers.(98% of ALL the people in MLM will NEVER have 50 customers in there entire MLM careers.) 50 personal customers re-ordering regularlymakes for a VERY NICE extra income.Want to accelerate this plan?How about calling on your local health food stores?How about showing a few of your happy customers how to do this?How about teaching your organizationhow to do this?
A SeaAloe business is a REAL business,NOT a recruiting PYRAMID like mostMLM "deals" people call you about.SeaAloe: A REAL Business for REAL People. SeaAloe Business InformationMike Stokes Baton Rouge, LA.
This MLM Reality Check
is brought to you by:
Mike Stokes
If MLM "duplication" really works...
Where's all the success stories?
The only thing duplicating is FAILURE.
If you want to make money in MLM,
you need to do it yourself first...
If YOU can't make YOUR business pay,
what gives you the right to try to sell
your scheme to your fellow man?
Why would you want to "recruit" someone into
a "business" that YOU can't make work?
If YOU can't sell your product...
Do you really think you should be telling
people that "it sells itself"?
Maybe it had better "sell itself",
if no one else is selling it!
The thing is though...
Products don't "sell themselves",
people sell them.
What's the solution?
It's simple...
Make YOUR business profitable before
you go out and bring other people in.
You don't have to be making a fortune to
be able to share a legitimate business.
Get your business up to $100 a month
in genuine profit, that's all.
Then, you have a legitimate business
be proud of and to "duplicate"...
You have a real business that really pays.
Need a Retail-to-Recruit blueprint?
Get The Cash Flow Strategy.
Best of Success,
Mike Stokes
Baton Rouge, LA
Ever wonder why most people fail at MLM?
What is the honest simple truth about MLM?
The truth is very simple...
Without real customers who are willing to purchase
your products at the retail price without being
involved in a business opportunity, there will
never be a lasting residual income...
SeaAloe is that product that people
do purchase day-in and day-out.
Nobody else in the industry can say that.
SeaAloe - A REAL Business for REAL People.
Mike Stokes
Baton Rouge, LA
SeaAloe Business Information
How to Make a LOT of Money Retailing SeaAloe
By: Mike Stokes
How do you build a HUGE Nature's Liquids SeaAloe retail business?
You do it ONE customer at a time.
You do it EVERY DAY.
You have an ad in a weekly newspaper PERMANENTLY.
You put out a flyer EVERY DAY.
You do “conversational” marketing…
If you will only LISTEN, people are
CONSTANTLY telling you their needs!
People ALWAYS talk about themselves,
and their NEEDS!
You must provide your customers with a
(SeaAloe fills this order perfectly.)
You need to look a “Customer Acquisition”
In other words…
You run a product ad for a month,
it costs you $60.
You send out 20 Info Packs,
it costs you $40.
You sell two products and make $30 profit.
Your thinking, “Geez, I can go broke doing this!”
NOT true…
You now have two happy customers that may send you
a check EVERY month from now till Kingdom come...
(SeaAloe has a very high re-order rate. )
In six months this INVESTMENT is paying off big time.
The fact is, SeaAloe distributors have an almost
unfair advantage over people who are trying to
market other "me-too" products.
And, because you gave GOOD value on
a GREAT product to begin with,
your customer TRUSTS you.
You do this MONTH in and MONTH out,
and before you know it…
You’re getting checks in the mail EVERY DAY
whether you’re running an ad or not!
I've got customers mailing me a check
every month that I haven't spoken to or
laid eyes on in OVER EIGHT YEARS!
And I don't even sell the same product
that they started buying from me eight
years ago...
They buy WHATEVER I sell!
Because they trust me to only
carry an excellent product -
Like SeaAloe.
But, NOW you see how this works…
So you ARE still running those product ads…
And, we haven’t even mentioned the referrals
you can get from your happy customers…
Nor have we mentioned ALL of the NEW people
that are coming in to your Warm Market…
There a MORE people out there that will respond
to a PRODUCT Ad than will EVER respond to a
Business Opportunity ad…
And, SOME of these folks could use a couple
of hundred EXTRA DOLLARS a month.
And, think about this…
What if EVERY person in your group was doing this?
Checks would be getting bigger…
Excitement would be rising…
And so on…
Best of Success!
Mike Stokes
Baton Rouge, LA
Do you want to build a home based business that
will keep on paying you after you've built it?
Want a steady flow of checks into your mailbox?
Want to build a LOCAL group of
"outlets" for your products?
Want to build a LOCAL team of distributors?
Want to teach your team how
to "Earn While They Learn"?
Want to meet NEW people and bring them
into your "Circle of Influence" who would
NEVER have responded to your "Biz Opp" ad?
A good SeaAloe Retail System can do
ALL of the above and MORE.
==> FACT: There are way fewer people who
will SELL a product than USE it.
==> FACT: 97% of the people you enroll into
your program will only by product users.
Here's a simple philosophy for building
a solid business from the ground up...
If done correctly, the following activities
will produce positive results.
Getting back to the basics,
this is all you need to do:
1. Sell Product.
2. Recruit Distributors.
3. Teach New Distributors How
to Sell Product FIRST.
4. Then, Teach New Distributors
How to Recruit New Distributors
and Teach THEM
How to Sell Product and
Recruit New Distributors.
Now, I don't think I've revealed any state secrets here...
This is just a simple Plan of Action that does work...
IF it is implemented in a fertile environment...
You see, no matter how good your plan is,
you MUST have a SYSTEM that ties it all
==> What good is it to spend your money
advertising with ads that are not PROVEN
to work?
==> What good is it to have prospects
contacting you if you do not have a
proven system or process to put
them through?
==> What good is it to build a sales
force, or recruit new distributors, if
you do not have a proven system
to get your new people into profit
==> What good is ALL OF THE ABOVE
if you do not have a proven company that
not only provides a proven product, but
also provides a compensation structure
that rewards you fairly for your efforts?
Don't take a chance with your future...
Partner up with a PROVEN TEAM
with a PROVEN system.
SeaAloe business is the ANSWER.
Got questions?
Need help?
Call me.
Mike Stokes
(225) 366-0731
"Customers Delivered"
Who is Mike Stokes anyway?
I just finished watching a video I wish I'd
seen when I got started in business.
It would have saved me a lot of time,
money, blood, sweat and tears
The video is the first in a series just released
by Mike Dillard called Building On A Budget.
I'm told in future trainings he'll be revealing:
- How to drive hoards of traffic to any website
for pennies.
- How you can build any business that you're with
for $5OO or less, and in most cases do it for
absolutely nothing.
- Some little known zero cost methods that are more
effective at driving traffic than paid advertising
- And much more
Just hop on over to:
How to Build Your Business on a Budget
…and take a look for yourself.
You'll be glad you did.
Mike Stokes
(225) 366-0731